What are the eligibility requirements to purchase Class B Investment Shares, Series 1?
To purchase Class B Investment Shares, Series 1, you must be an Oshawa Community Credit Union member and at least 18 years old. No other eligibility requirements apply.
Is there a minimum purchase amount required?
The minimum amount of Class B Investment Shares, Series 1, to be purchased is 1,000 shares ($1,000) per member.
What is the maximum amount of shares each Oshawa Community Credit Union member can hold?
The maximum amount of Class B Investment Shares, Series 1, that one Oshawa Community Credit Union Member can hold is 50,000 shares ($50,000) plus any accumulated dividends paid in additional Class B Investment Shares, Series 1.
How do I purchase Class B Investment Shares, Series 1?
To purchase Class B Investment Shares, Series 1, contact us and join our waitlist. When shares become available, you'll be notified and can choose to buy them. Purchase options include non-registered accounts, RRSPs, or TFSAs.
What is the process to sell or redeem my shares?
The transfer of Class B Investment Shares, Series 1, is restricted to another member of Oshawa Community Credit Union and is subject to Board approval. In the event of a transfer, Oshawa Community Credit Union will facilitate the process. However, in the unlikely scenario where no recipient is available for the transfer, the shares may need to be redeemed. Such redemptions are subject to adherence to liquidity and capital requirements as outlined by Regulations and noted in the Original Offering dated March 31, 1997.
How are the dividends issued?*
Class B Investment Shares, Series 1, target to pay an annual dividend of the Government of Canada 5-year bond rate at year-end plus 1.50%. Dividends are cumulative and are taxed as interest income. Dividends are not guaranteed.
Dividends are typically declared by the Board in January and paid in February.
Has Oshawa Community Credit Union ever not paid a dividend?*
No, as of 2022 the dividend target on Class B Investment Shares, Series 1, has always been met. Since 1997, the average dividend paid on Class B Investment Shares, Series 1 is 4.47%.
Are the Class B Investment Shares, Series 1, eligible for deposit insurance?
Class B Investment Shares, Series 1, are not eligible for deposit insurance by the Financial Services Regulatory Authority (FSRA).
Can I use my current investments to purchase Class B Investment Shares, Series 1?
If you hold a non-redeemable GIC with Oshawa Community Credit Union, you have the option to redeem it without incurring any penalty, provided that the redeemed funds are used for the purchase of Class B Investment Shares, Series 1.
*Past performance is not indicative of future performance.